Roger Williams Park Victorian Rose Garden
109 plants
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— D —
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VDublin Bay
— E —
C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VEarth Song
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VEasy Going ™
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VElina ®
A,C,E,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VEnglish Garden ®
— F —
A,C,E,F,G,L,N,O,P,T,VFire Meidiland ™
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,VFirst Light (shrub, Marciel before 1997)
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,VFourth of July
— G —
A,C,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,U,VGartendirektor Otto Linne
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VGene Boerner
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VGolden Celebration ™
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VGraham Thomas
A,C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VGruss an Aachen (hybrid tea, Hinner 1909)
— H —
A,C,E,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,U,VHeart 'n' Soul
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VHeritage ®
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,VHome and Family ™
— I —
A,C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VIceberg (floribunda, Kordes 1958)
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