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Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower, Inc.

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Rose (wholesale) Nursery  

Listing last updated on Mon Feb 2025
Catalog: Printed and Online.
430 E. 19th Street
Upland, California 91784-1656
United States
909-949-4409  [Information]
909-920-0803  [Fax]
800-992-4409  [Ordering]
We understand Weeks has been sold to a new company that will continue selling the Weeks brand.

Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower, Inc., offers more than 250 varieties of popular and unusual roses. Every year, beginning in early December, they ship over 4 million bareroot roses throughout the United States.

Tom Carruth directs Weeks' Research Department. Each year, they hand-pollinate about 24,000 flowers to produce around 200,000 seeds. After an 8- to 10-year evaluation period, only about 3 or 4 varieties emerge from the group as truly superior and market-worthy.

[From On Their Own... And Growing Well, by Dick Streeper, p. 24:] Jackson & Perkins and Weeks Roses [are] two of the largest garden growers in America with a current combined production of about 16 million plants per year and 32 percent of the total US garden rose production...

Weeks Roses are available (in the US) from the following mail-order sources: Butner's Old Mill Nursery, Carroll Gardens, Edmunds' Roses, Garden Valley Ranch Nursery, J.W. Jung Seed Company, Sam Kedem Greenhouse & Nursery, Petaluma Rose Company, Regan Nursery, Royall River Roses, Spring Hill Select Roses, Stanek's Nurseries, Wayside Gardens, White Flower Farm, Witherspoon Rose Culture.
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